Funny Mario How to Get Past a Castle

Video Game

  • After beating Ludwig von Koopa in the fourth castle, Mario sets off the detonator to blow up the castle... only for the castle to launch into the air like a rocket and impact against a nearby hill... which then wears a bandage where the castle hit for the rest of the game.
  • Mario sets off the detonator after beating Roy Koopa in the fifth castle, only to see the castle not blow up. He goes to take a look at it... and then the castle blows up right in his face. His expression is priceless. In the All-Stars version, Luigi gets an even better one — he just looks at the player with a deadpan expression.
  • Castle #6 is destroyed by Mario getting a mop. After a few wipes, it's just gone. The dour uneventfulness with which Mario proceeds is what makes it comical.
  • Mario destroys Castle #7 by... lifting it up and drop-kicking it off the screen. Seriously, where did all that strength come from?
  • The music when you lose a life is just hilarious for some reason. Same with the utter shock in Mario's face when he gets hit. The music and Mario's expression paired together is almost priceless. As long as you're not losing lives on That One Level, of course.
  • The Special levels are all named for 1980s California surfer slang terms for "good": Gnarly, Tubular, Way Cool, Awesome, Groovy, Mondo, Outrageous, and Funky.
  • As intimidating (and annoying) as the Charging Chucks can be, it's amusing how if you jump on their heads, they let out a cartoonish, non-threatening "OW!"


  • "Mama Luigi" provides several:

    Luigi: Well, like they say in Brooklyn, early to bed, early to catch the worm... Or is it the bagel?

    Yoshi: Mmmmm. Worm's good!

    • After Yoshi eats Mario:

      Mario: Now I know how a meatball feels!

      Baby Yoshi: [spits Mario out] Ueagh, Yoshi no like meatballs!

    • Yoshi becomes attached to Luigi:

      Baby Yoshi: [jumps into Luigi's arms and licks his cheek] Mama Luigi!

      Luigi: Cool it, caterpillar breath! I'm not your—

      Mario: Mama? Mama Luigi?! AHAHAHAHAHA!

    • There's also this unforgettable exchange.

      Mario: You didn't tell me you was bringing a secret weapon, Luigi!

      Luigi: That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario! [wheeze]

    • Also, Mario affectionately calling Koopa's castle his "Cony Island Disco Palace".
    • The Mama Luigi Project, a large collaborative project to reanimate the episode. With over 227 artists and animators, most of the remake consists of Deranged Animation, sight gags, and general craziness. Highlights include:
      • The brief appearance of GRAND DAD in the opening. Given the caveman motif in the show, it's somewhat fitting.
      • Also from the opening, Princess Daisy's appearance as a Fanservice Extra, taking the place of Oogtar helping Luigi.
      • While sinking in the water, Luigi and Yoshi float past a sign reading "Air-Flavored Ocean", lampshading their ability to breathe underwater.
      • The Torpedo Ted that chases Luigi and Yoshi during the underwater sequence, at one point, is holding a knife.
      • When Luigi says "Was it something I said?", he suddenly starts impersonating Rodney Dangerfield, tie and all.
      • When Yoshi wanders off, he suddenly sprouts spindly limbs as he walks further away.
      • When in Yoshi's stomach, Mario turns on a light and points at a meatball, with a dead Wiggler floating in Yoshi's stomach acid in the background.
      • Luigi orders Yoshi to stop calling him mama... as he's dressed like a woman. Even better, Mario is totally aghast by this.
      • Koopa's Wild Take upon seeing the state of his throne room is even wilder. Hell, ALL of his expressions count.
      • At the famous line, Luigi pulls Mario towards him by the throat, then throws him to the ground, before visibly gagging when he wheezes.
      • Back in Dome City, Mario is looking at the ground, Luigi is picking his nose, Princess Toadstool has turned into Rabbid Peach, and Yoshi is shown visibly struggling until he successfully lays an egg.
      • When Peach hugs Yoshi, the latter looks a bit too comfortable about the Marshmallow Hell.
  • "Fire Sale":
    • Kootie Pie asks Mama Fireplant if she's been putting on weight.
    • The Mario Bros, Princess Toadstool, and Yoshi prepare to go to Ice Land to rescue Mama Fireplant:

    Luigi: (about the warp tube) Are you sure this'll take us there?
    Mario: Do Koopa Troopas have shells? Besides, little brother, if I wasn't sure, would I do THIS?
    (Mario grabs Luigi in a Bear Hug and throws him down the warp tube)

    • At the end, Kootie Pie becomes so cold, she cries ice cubes.
  • "The Wheel Thing":

    Kooky: Fasten your seat belt, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
    Koopa: What seat belt?

    Koopa: Any more bright ideas?
    Kooky: Uh... fasten your seat belt?

    • Earlier in the episode, the invention of the automobile causes chaos in Dome City, and the angry cave people blame the Mario Bros. for it. Mario, however, doesn't seem worried:

      (Gilligan Cut to the Lava Pits as Mario and Luigi fall out of a warp pipe.)

      Mario: ...okay, so they banished us!

  • "Send in the Clown":

    Koopa: A circus isn't a circus without a dinosaur-taming act!
    Mario: Uh, how about a chipmunk-taming act instead?

    • Also, Big Mouth being terrorized by the clowns during the performance.
    • This quote, when Mario's about to be eaten by a dinosaur:

    Mario: How about saying grace? A nice long one, maybe? I know! We'll get Bigmouth to say it!

    • And after that:

    Toadstool: Poor Mario!

    Luigi: Poor dinosaur! He doesn't know the indigestion he's in for!

  • "Ghosts 'R' Us:" The Running Gag of everyone forgetting Wizardheimer's name.
  • "The Night Before Cave Christmas:" Oogtar and Yoshi arguing over the barbecue mammoth rib.
    • Oogtar opens one of the Koopalings' presents and discovers a Bob-omb.
    • Koopa telling the lit Bob-omb not to explode. Needless to say, that doesn't end well.
    • Koopa taunts Oogtar: "Have a merry Cave Christmas, Bone Brain! Remember, 'Oogtar' spelled backwards is 'rat goo'!"
  • "A Little Learning":
    • The way Hip says, "This is a volcano."
    • Toadstool punishes Hip and Hop:
    • Mario and Luigi redirect the lava from Hip's volcano into Koopa's bedroom:

      Mario: A little bed warming for Papa Koopa!

      Koopa: Hip! Hop! Get me out of here! I'll send you to school! Gladly!

  • The infamous scene from "Rock TV" where Luigi reminds Mario of "the trouble we got into with that 'Speak to Santa' hotline back in Brooklyn", complete with flashback:
    • Big Mouth is the announcer for the tag-team wrestling match and starts a super long speech, which results in him getting tossed out of the ring (twice).
    • Koopa's unsuccessful attempt to stop Yoshi from eating his giant TV results in him being trapped under a large pile of blocks. Yoshi volunteers to eat the blocks to get Koopa out, but does so very slowly.

    Koopa: (to Yoshi) You think maybe you could eat a little faster?

  • "Born to Ride": While being taught graffiti by the Dino Riders, Yoshi paints a smiley face on a cave person's house. This exchange says it all.

    Rockman: Yoshi wimp!
    Lulu: Yoshi no wimp, Yoshi mega wimp!

  • "Gopher Bash":

    Luigi: Well, since you ate the whole thing, now you can do the hoe thing!

    • When one of the Monty Moles is being pulled up by Yoshi, Cheatsy states sarcastically, "Don't just help him! Stand there!"; the Monty Moles, not understanding sarcasm, do just that, leading to Cheatsy berating them to help said Monty Mole.
    • When Cheatsy is singing his Villain Song, the Mario brothers and Yoshi get rid of all the Monty Moles when he's not looking, and they end up being the ones singing the final chorus. It's only after the song's over that Cheatsy sees what happened, leading to a Wild Take. Mario's nonchalant smile and wave when Cheatsy sees them is what really sells it.
    • When Luigi tells the cave people to start planting things, one caveman buries another.
    • Some cave people tip over a well, sweeping Luigi and Yoshi off their feet.
  • "The Yoshi Shuffle":
    • The episode contains a very humorous moment involving Big Mouth introducing the sporting event. He goes on for way too long until...

      Bully: DAAAAHHH, SHUT UP! We'll never get started!

    • Then after Luigi is turned back to normal:

      Luigi: Did I catch the ball?
      Mario: What do you mean catch the ball? You were the ball!
      Luigi: (makes a derp face)


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