what to do when your car wont start because its too cold

Cold, clammy weather can play havoc with batteries, fuel systems, starter motors, alternators, oil and – where fitted – carburetors.

Here we have a look at the possible causes of why your car isn't starting, first looking at the almost common cause – the battery.

Automobile bombardment problems


If your automobile won't start in common cold atmospheric condition, past far the well-nigh probable cause is the battery.

A vast number of RAC Patrol winter callouts are battery-related. It may just be as simple equally leap starting it or recharging it – allow's look at the symptoms.


If yous hear a faint whining noise when y'all plough the key in the ignition, but the starter motor doesn't turn over, the likelihood is yous have a flat battery.

If the bombardment is totally depleted, or the cables to the battery have come up loose, you may not hear anything.

Further signs of a completely flat bombardment include the ignition lights on the dashboard failing to illuminate, and the car refusing to unlock via remote primal locking.

Read more about what to practise if you have a apartment bombardment including how to tell yous accept one.


If you are in a hurry and need to become moving fast, y'all can attempt to jump start your car. You volition, however, need admission to bound cables and another vehicle.

If you think your battery needs replacing, yous can call 0333 2000 999 for The RAC Battery Fitting Service.

Alternatively, yous can visit our machine battery section to find out which product you need. We can deliver the battery to you, and fitting is free for RAC breakdown members.

How can I maintain my battery during the wintertime?

With more and more than vehicle equipment demanding electricity, battery maintenance is more important than always.

Cold temperatures bear upon the chemical process that produces and stores electricity inside the battery, slowing the battery down and reducing its ability to hold a charge.

If you are using your car regularly for short trips, it may be worth charging your bombardment at least once a week during the winter months, specially if it is more iii years old.

You tin find more about how to charge car batteries on our car battery chargers page.

Older, weaker batteries volition typically have reduced performance and cold temperatures tin can reduce this even further, to the betoken where the battery will discharge or go apartment very quickly.

If you lot are finding your battery isn't holding a charge very well, it might be time to replace it. We recommend visiting our car bombardment section or calling The RAC Bombardment Plumbing equipment Service on 0333 2000 999.

What else can I do to help my battery during winter?

A bit of basic preparation and maintenance tin can work wonders for battery life.

Remember to:

  • Switch off all loads, including the lights, wipers, heater and radio earlier turning off your engine at the end of a journeying. This prevents whatsoever unnecessary drain on the battery the next fourth dimension you get-go upwards.
    Look for corrosion on the battery clamps and cables. This could restrict the flow of current. When the engine is off, clean it off using a wire brush, or ask a mechanic to exercise so.
    Bank check that everything is switched off before turning the ignition on.
    Avoid using heaters, heated screens and heated seats for longer than yous accept to. They all put high demands on the vehicle's battery. Some satnavs, in-auto DVD players and MP3 players tin likewise bleed the battery if left continued.
    Cheque that there are no interior lights (including boot lights) left on – or any accessories such as phone chargers left plugged in.
    Park your vehicle in a garage if you lot can, especially in very cold temperatures.
    Get your battery properly tested, peculiarly if information technology is over three years erstwhile.

And, sometimes information technology tin be difficult simply getting into your car. These 2 tips could save y'all some much-needed time:

  • Use a fiddling silicone-based furniture polish on the safe door seals – it helps foreclose doors getting stuck when it freezes. It'southward all-time to utilise with a material so you lot don't spray polish on to the vehicle's paintwork.
    If locks are frozen, endeavor warming your key. You could likewise inject the lock with the appropriate anti-freeze or spray it with WD40.

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Motorcar alternator problems

Car won't start - alternator

The alternator is an electrical generator that charges your machine's battery when the engine is running. If yous have a relatively new bombardment and it keeps going flat, the trouble probably lies hither.

Alternator issue symptoms

If yous bound starting time your car and the engine dies immediately, this points to a faulty alternator.

Y'all may also notice your headlights and dashboard lights flickering, the motorcar's gauges moving in a jerky way – and even a burning smell filtering into the motel if the alternator has recently overheated.

How to prepare an alternator

The alternator is connected to the battery and the engine, so, unless you're an able mechanic, replacing one is a task best left to the experts.

It shouldn't exist difficult to source a new role, or you can opt to have your existing alternator reconditioned. The job shouldn't accept a garage more than than two hours.

Starter motor

Car won't start in the cold - starter motor

The starter motor does exactly what you'd expect; it uses electricity from the bombardment to jolt the car's engine into life.

Many modernistic cars now take stop-start systems with stronger starter motors to cope with the demands of frequent engine on/off cycles in traffic.

Starter motor result symptoms

The nearly obvious sign of a cleaved starter motor is a clicking sound when you turn the ignition fundamental, followed by the engine refusing to plough over and outset.

If all the lights and in-motorcar electrics are working fine, this also points to an issue with the starter motor – rather than the battery.

Even bound starting won't piece of work if the starter motor has failed.

How to ready a starter motor

Again, replacing a starter motor is generally a task for a trained mechanic.

They're non hugely expensive, only the piece of work may take upwardly to half a day.

Your old starter is ordinarily exchanged for a new ane, which may wait different; manufacturers sometimes modify the designs.

Car fuel organisation issues

Car won't start - fuel system

Over fourth dimension, motorcar fuel systems may become contaminated with h2o.

This can cause combustion bug and, if cold weather condition makes the h2o freeze, forestall the engine running birthday.

The issue is most acute in the fuel lines, which feed the private injectors.

These are very narrow and tin can be blocked by tiny ice particles, starving the engine of fuel.

Car fuel organisation issue symptoms

Aside from the engine not starting, other symptoms of fuel system issues include a stuttering engine – especially when accelerating – and a generally jerky feel to the motorcar'south ability delivery.

The engine may even cut out altogether while driving.

How to fix the fuel system

If your motorcar has water in its fuel lines, you may need to accept the arrangement professionally flushed.

Nonetheless, certain additives tin reduce contamination by using booze to hold water in suspension, then passing it out through the exhaust.

You can cut the hazard of water ingress by keeping your car's fuel tank close to full, thereby reducing the likelihood of condensation.

Note that diesel fuel fuel can 'thicken' and go less free-flowing in cold conditions, too – another obstacle for your auto to overcome in winter.

  • Winter breakdown kit checklist
  • 10 checks to forestall a breakdown this wintertime
  • What to exercise if you have a flat battery

Are you using the wrong oil?

Car won't start - oil

Oil also becomes less free-flowing in cold conditions.

And that, in plow, puts additional strain on your car's battery by making it harder for the engine to plough over and showtime.

What happens if you put the wrong oil in your machine?

If your oil has too much cold viscosity (resistance to flow), you won't be able to commencement your car in cold temperatures. On the flip side, excessive hot viscosity means engine components won't be adequately protected, leading to premature article of clothing.

How to prepare putting the incorrect oil in your automobile

Bank check your car'due south handbook to run into what type of oil the manufacturer recommends, and switch to a thinner class if possible in wintertime.

Typical grades include 10W-30 and 5W-20, with the get-go number (followed by a 'W' for 'winter') denoting the oil'southward thickness in cold weather. The lower the number, the thinner the oil.

For cars operating in very cold climes, even 0W oil is bachelor.

Cars with carburettors

Car won't start - carburetor

If your car was congenital more than 30 years ago, it's likely to utilize a carburettor.

These regulate the mix of fuel and air for combustion only are particularly vulnerable to icing up.

If the nozzles of the carburettor go chock-full with ice, the engine may non outset – and certainly won't run properly.

With your left pes on the clutch, attempt gently pushing the accelerator pedal when you lot starting time the engine in common cold weather.

This will pre-inject a small quantity of fuel to give the engine a helping manus.

All modern cars use fuel injection, and thus aren't affected by this trouble.

Machine door frozen shut


Sometimes information technology can be difficult just getting into your automobile! These two tips could relieve yous much-needed fourth dimension:

  • Utilise a little silicone-based furniture polish on the rubber door seals. It helps forbid doors getting stuck when it freezes. It's best to apply the polish with a material, and so you don't spray information technology onto the vehicle's paintwork
  • If the locks are frozen, endeavor warming your primal. You could also inject the lock with the appropriate anti-freeze, or spray it with WD40

Car won't get-go in the cold FAQs

  • Why will my car non commencement when it'due south cold?

    Your car may not outset in common cold weather because of problems in a number of areas.

    • battery: cold temperatures touch the chemical process inside the battery and reduce its ability to concord a charge.
    • alternator: alternator belts can go cracked in cold temperatures, making it more difficult to ability your battery.
    • starter motor: engine oil becomes thicker in cold conditions, which increases friction and makes the starter motor piece of work harder to spin the engine.
    • car fuel system: auto fuel systems tin become contaminated with water that freezes in cold atmospheric condition, ice prevents the system from working altogether.
    • oil: becomes thicker in cold temperatures, putting strain on your bombardment.
    • carburettor: nozzles are prone to icing upwardly preventing the mixture of fuel and air from being properly regulated.
  • What practice I practise if my car won't get-go in the cold?

    Although your machine might not start for a number of reasons, there is a routine you can become through to give you the all-time chance of getting things up and running. Try these steps:

    1. turn everything off: This includes headlights and radios. Anything that uses electricity uses your battery and will drain it further. It's proficient practice to leave your engine running for a while before switching accessories dorsum on.
    2. printing the clutch as you plough the ignition: This lightens the load for your battery and makes starting your engine a much easier job.
    3. cheque your bombardment leads: Expect under the bonnet for your battery and bank check for signs of corrosion – normally a salty, crusty substance. This volition demand to be cleaned. Disconnect your cables (negative outset) wearing goggles and gloves, and so make clean with a toothbrush and a mixture of blistering soda and h2o. When replacing the cables, always connect the negative i first.
    4. acme up your engine oil: Use your dipstick to check your oil level. If things are looking low, top it upward. Check your car'southward handbook to see what blazon of oil the manufacturer recommends, and switch to a thinner class if possible, in wintertime.
  • How does extreme cold touch your car?

    Cold temperatures affect the chemical process within the battery and reduce its ability to hold a charge. Information technology also thickens engine oil, increasing friction in the starter motor and forcing it to work harder. Your alternator belt is also prone to cracking in extremely common cold conditions. Fuel systems and your carburettor can also become contaminated with ice and malfunction.

    The common cold tin also bear on parts of your car abroad from your engine. Rubber on windscreen wipers can become brittle and prone to impairment, tyres can deflate as the temperature of the air inside drops and contracts and, of form, your windscreen tin ice over.

  • Is it safe to bulldoze in extreme common cold?

    Driving in extreme cold comes with added risks. Stopping distances tin increase ten-fold in ice and snow, and visibility is seriously reduced in heavy snow.

    Road condom charity Brake urges drivers to follow an ABC to stay condom in winter atmospheric condition:
    Using low revs, moving off in second gear and increasing your stopping altitude will brand y'all a safer driver. For more tips on what careful, cautious driving entails, follow our advice on how to tackle driving in the snowfall.

    • Avoid driving where possible and never fix off when information technology's snowing heavily
    • Beastward prepared past keeping your machine well maintained and packing for an emergency breakup
    • Careful, cautious driving will minimise any accidents

    To reduce your chances of breaking down in cold weather, we recommend following the acronym FORCES for regular DIY checks. That's Fuel, Oil, Rubber, Coolant, Electrics, Southcreen wash.

  • How exercise you get a frozen automobile door open?

    A frozen automobile door can be opened by pouring warm (not hot) water over the affected area. If your lock appears to be frozen, attempt using a de-icer spray.

  • At what temperature practice cars stop working?

    There is no set temperature at which all cars cease working. It's more useful to recollect nearly the adverse effects of common cold weather in unlike parts of your car.

    We know that the freezing point of water is 0° Celsius and h2o can contaminate the auto fuel system and collect on the nozzles of your carburettor causing engine failure. But there is no freezing indicate for motor oil. Equally it gets colder, it becomes more glutinous, or thicker.

    A fully charged battery volition freeze around -57°C, while a fully discharged battery will freeze at effectually 0°C.

  • Can extreme cold kill a automobile battery?

    A fully charged bombardment will freeze around -57°C, a fully discharged battery will freeze at around 0°C. Your bombardment probably won't piece of work after thawing out, if information technology does it will be weaker and won't last equally long. It's best to supplant a battery that'south been frozen.

  • How do I protect my car in extreme common cold weather?

    The best fashion to protect your car from common cold weather is to park information technology in a garage. If that option isn't bachelor, an outdoor car encompass will reduce the chances of your windscreen icing upwards, wiper blades from condign brittle and h2o reaching your carburettor and motorcar fuel system.

    The best style to protect your engine in cold weather is to use the correct type of motor oil and make certain there's plenty of it in the system. Check your vehicle handbook for advice and use motor oils with a lower 'Due west' number e.g. 5W-30, in wintertime months.

    In that location are a number of maintenance checks yous tin regularly brand that volition help fix your automobile for cold weather driving. Always call back FORCES – that'south Fuel, Oil, Rubber, Coolant, Eastlectrics, Screen wash.

  • Does petrol freeze in cars?

    The freezing point of petrol is -60°C. As the lowest ever recorded temperature in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland was -27.2°C, you tin can be confident that the contents of your tank won't solidify any time soon!

  • Does motor oil freeze?

    Motor oil doesn't freeze but becomes increasingly viscous, or thick, in common cold conditions making it difficult to process effectually a vehicle. Use an oil with a lower 'W' number, eastward.g. 5W-30, during winter months to reduce article of clothing and tear on your engine.

  • How cold is besides cold for a machine wash?

    Equally water freezes at 0°C, washing your machine at, or below this temperature can become more than hard. However, the winter typically sees more clay and grime on the roads. Dust and salts spread to prevent the effects of adverse atmospheric condition can damage the exterior of your car.

    When washing your car in winter, information technology'south best to let your car run for a while and heat up both earlier and afterward to forbid h2o freezing. Endeavour to wash your auto at the middle of the twenty-four hour period when temperatures are at their highest.

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Source: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/how-to/getting-started-in-the-cold/

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