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Differences between Minecraft: Pocket Edition and Demo

  • #1 Apr 1, 2013

    This is a thread if you are looking to buy Minecraft: Pocket Edition for your Android or iOS Device, but after trying the review, you still can't decide.

    Some things that Minecraft: Pocket Edition Demo doesn't have:

    - You are unable to save your worlds.
    - You are able to only have 18/36 blocks / items.
    - Multiplayer worlds cannot be copied to your phone.

    Here are some other reasons:

    - The demo version isn't being updated, it is staying at the v0.2.1 alpha. When you buy the game, the game is continually being updated.
    - The controls in the demo version is harder to use. The 0.6.0 update added new GUI so it is easier to control.
    - There is no peaceful mode in the demo version.

    Now here are some screenshots of the Paid version vs the Demo / Lite version:







    Minecraft: Pocket Edition is $6.99, and the Demo / Lite version is free.

    Here are the links to the Paid and Demo version in the Google Play Store:

    Minecraft: Pocket Edition: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mojang.minecraftpe&hl=en

    Minecraft: Pocket Edition Demo: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mojang.minecraftpe.demo&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLm1vamFuZy5taW5lY3JhZnRwZS5kZW1vIl0.

    Thank you for your time,

    - DoYouEvenCraft

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    If you have time, be sure to check out my youtube channel.

  • #2 Apr 1, 2013

    Edit: I fixed the broken link for the Demo version ^.^

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    If you have time, be sure to check out my youtube channel.

  • #3 Apr 1, 2013

    This is a good guide for those not sure whether spending $6.99 is worth buying the full version. I had the same problem before I bought it, but it was definitely one of the best apps I ever purchased.

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    Be sure and quote my post so I know to reply!

  • #4 Apr 1, 2013

    This is a good guide for those not sure whether spending $6.99 is worth buying the full version. I had the same problem before I bought it, but it was definitely one of the best apps I ever purchased.

    Thanks, and same here, when I first got the game for my Sony PLAY, I loved it. But when it came to Android I was a little nervious about the controls, but it's worth the money. I would even play $15.00 for this app.

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    If you have time, be sure to check out my youtube channel.

  • #5 Apr 1, 2013

    Now I feel like downloading the demo for nostalgia, I remember when those features used to be standard. The demo and the paid are not even remotely the same, the demo is kind of boring but the newest version has a ton of new stuff.

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  • #6 Apr 2, 2013

    Paying the $7.50 was the best choice I have ever made for an app as good as this.

    I do still have the Lite version though for remembering the good old times though.

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  • #7 Apr 2, 2013

    Paying the $7.50 was the best choice I have ever made for an app as good as this.

    I do still have the Lite version though for remembering the good old times though.

    Yeah, the only thing I miss about the old MC:PE is the D-Pad, I liked the demo version better, but most people like the new one.

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    If you have time, be sure to check out my youtube channel.

  • #8 Apr 3, 2013

    The lite version did its job for me. It let me taste the joys of minecraft while taking away all the progress once I quit the app. It was totally worth the purchase, and yet still good enough to keep alongside the full version.

    Also: the random seed for creative in the demo felt like it had only a few it would come up with? It could have been just me, but I could swear I got the same world two or three times. Is there any truth to this? If so, does anyone know the seeds the lite version could use?

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    Always siding with the enemy. Except spiders. Screw those guys.

  • #9 Apr 3, 2013

    Your DoYouEvenCraft!!! Lol, I didn't know! You changed your profile icon... XD

    Oh and I forgot to tell you "DoYouEvenCraft" <--- Nice namesnipe.

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    [ I don't know what to put here ]

  • #10 Apr 6, 2013

    I do still have the Lite version though for remembering the good old times though.

    Now I feel like downloading the demo for nostalgia

    I'm tempted to modify PocketTool so we can play demo multiplayer together for teh lulz.

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  • #11 Apr 6, 2013

    Once you purchase the Paid version, is it possible to have others, who only have the Demo version, join your worlds? If a purchase is made of the MCPE on a tablet, can the same program be accessed somewhere else (a different/new tablet)?

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  • #13 Apr 6, 2013

    Once you purchase the Paid version, is it possible to have others, who only have the Demo version, join your worlds? If a purchase is made of the MCPE on a tablet, can the same program be accessed somewhere else (a different/new tablet)?

    1) No, as the demo is version 0.2.1 and the paid version is at version 0.6.1 with an incompatiable network protocol.
    2) Most appstores allows you to transfer to a different device that supports that appstore: e.g. if you bought MCPE on an Android phone, it should be available on an Android tablet.

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  • #14 Apr 6, 2013

    1) Your worlds do not save (not on android I don't think)
    2) You can't have seeds
    3) There is limited blocks

    Overall the paid version is MUCH better, it gives you more freedom and flexibility!

    That is what I said in the thread mate. ;)

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    If you have time, be sure to check out my youtube channel.

  • #15 Apr 6, 2013

    In my opinion, everyone should buy PE now. They might raise the price in future updates because they are adding a lot of stuff.

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    The Boys!

  • #16 Apr 6, 2013

    Ahh! The good old days on the Demo version, where I made cool castles with Rick and the next time I entered in the game they were dissapeared! :lol: Good post, helps for people who were like me. But I knew it was worth. I am on PE Full version since -v0.3.0

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  • #17 Apr 7, 2013

    Thank you for the previous reply/answers!

    In the Paid version, how does the saved game option work? It appears as if I NAME the world. So, I simply recall it to go back in? How many different worlds can I have saved/ working on, in the paid version?

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  • #18 Apr 7, 2013

    Thank you for the previous reply/answers!

    In the Paid version, how does the saved game option work? It appears as if I NAME the world. So, I simply recall it to go back in? How many different worlds can I have saved/ working on, in the paid version?

    When you create a world in the paid version, you get to name it and choose it's seed (the way the land generates). Everything you do gets automatically saved. So, if you just made a server, build a hut on it, then quit, the hut will save and still be there next time you play on it. Also, once you save the world to your device, you simply select it from a list of all your worlds you have on it to play it. And you're able to have as many worlds as your device's memory will allow (which, no matter what, will be a lot.)

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